Welcome Ye Pirates of the web
How's the wave at ye shores matey
i hope ye mousey is working well
steering ye pointer in the right direction eh?
well this is my maiden speech to all yee web sailor out there,
i hear you all have heard bout me movie
the search for the elixir of youth
and a stange shores it is
well all will definately be seeing more nad more of me sily self
running silly and skiddish in the movie
i wonder eh
why yee all found me so attractive?
maybe it is the sillinest
of the stupid and idiotic mee?
well i thinks
me thinks
my thought is good to ponder eh...
let meet daily and ponder on my
idiotic quote of the day
till then
me capt jack sparrow have
a new ship
me black blog
well smithy
we shall definately run amoks
with this new jolly ship
quote of the day at me jolly blog ship
till then my fellow surf dude
keep up yo all mousey pointing
at me blog...